Schad's Old Fashioned Hickory Smoked Ham
Company History

Schad Meats, Inc. was founded and established in 1984 by Mark Schad. During the first year in business Mark purchased a smokehouse unit and rented space in another State Inspected plant. Mark’s business approach was simple and received well by his customers. He would produce three high quality hams a week and sell to shoppers at Findlay Market. Once the three hams were sold he would start over. By the end of one year Mark was producing and selling over 50 hams a week.

In 1986 Mark purchased a building in North Fairmont where Schad’s still operates today. The business grew at a steady pace and incorporated in 1992. Schad Meats. Inc. operated under the meat inspection guidelines from the Ohio Department of Agriculture until 2004. In April 2004 Schad Meats, Inc. filed an application for Federal Meat, Poultry, or Import Inspection with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service. On July 8, 2004 Schad Meats, Inc. received its Grant of Inspection from the USDA.

On October 1, 2008 Mark sold the business to Daniel L. Benton. Mark retired from the meat processing business and now lives in Key West, Florida.

On April 1st 2017 Daniel retired and sold the business to Tim Bishop. Tim was an employee there since 1998, and continues the same quality and process that Mark Schad started

For questions, call 513-251-6991. © 2009 Schad Meats, Inc.